Critical Photo Essay Draft for Peer Editing

Hi, all.

So my draft is in the form of an .html file. I've compressed it into a .zip file, so all you need to do is open it and then open the "index.html" file. Then you can move through my project.

I will be honest, there are some definite dead-ends and missing pieces to this. I am at a very strange stage, not sure if what I'm doing is worthwhile or if I'm moving in the right direction. I recently changed my procedure for what I wanted to previously do, by adding a synthesis of three different types of gamebooks and finding characteristics of each, which will lead to a demonstration about hypertexts.

If you have time, I'd love to hear what you think of the structure so far (and obviously pieces are missing from it - so conclusions may be hard to make) and where this is headed. Let me know if you see any problems or any bugs with the webpage.

Thanks for the help.

Here's it is: "Understanding Hypertexts Through Interactive Gamebooks"

**** Make sure you Download the file - clicking on "index.html" within Google Docs will not open the document properly. ****

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